The complete guide to all 4 "secret" Forza Horizon 5 DLC cars (and 1 DLC outfit)
Forza Horizon 5 has a lot of cars, over 750 right now! Whilst almost all are obtainable for free or via car packs / expansions, there are a few “secret” cars that aren’t included in this count. In fact, many people don’t even know they exist, even those that think they have “all” cars!
What is a secret car?
A secret car is one introduced into the game as part of a “real world” promotion. For example, buying a Forza edition controller, playing another Forza game, or buying unrelated items like food. They are typically just a reskinned version of an existing car, so offer no gameplay advantage.
What makes these cars interesting is they do not show in the Car Collection. For example, you may have 700/700 cars, but if you redeem a secret car this will change to 701/701! In the below example there are 748 cars in the game’s car collection, but I have 3 “secret” cars:
Whilst these limited time promotions typically only last a few weeks, all the secret cars work by redeeming a code. As such, it is possible to buy these (expensive!) codes from third party marketplaces.
Where can I get secret cars?
The simplest way is of course just purchasing the item that has a promotional tie-in. However, this is not realistic, with some promotions only operating in Europe, others only in the US! Luckily, the DLC codes can be redeemed globally, so we can just buy one.
As a warning: this will be expensive. I’ve probably spent as much on secret cars as I have on the game itself, purely for the sense of completion. Remember, these are completely optional, don’t show up in Car Collection, and are usually just reskins of existing cars.
There are plenty of key marketplaces, and codes can also be purchased on eBay which may be a bit safer. In general, it is a grey market, so I’m hesitant to recommend any specific sites. However, I can say I’ve successfully used “G2A”, “Eneba”, “Kinguin” and eBay to purchase these codes.
If you are looking to purchase from one of these marketplaces, I’d recommend comparing prices on Google Shopping.
What secret cars are in FH5?
Aug ‘21: Ford De Luxe Five-Window Coupe
The extremely awkwardly named “Ford De Luxe Five-Window Coupe Forza Edition” (plus the “Colour Pop” t-shirt and “Colour Pop” emote) are obtained by buying the Forza Horizon 5 Limited Edition controller.
This controller is usually sold out in stores, and fetches a price of $100+ on other sites. Luckily, the car’s code is often sold separately for significantly less, I got mine for around $30.
Jan ‘22: Ford GT ‘Opi Edition’
The Ford GT ‘Opi Edition’ is just a reskin of the existing Ford GT car, it was obtainable by purchasing Xbox-themed nail polishes. Due to the presumably small crossover between key resellers and nail polish buyers, this can be a very hard key to find. I purchased mine for ~$30, and I suspect this is the rarest car in the game.
Feb ‘23: Pagani Zonda Cinque Roadster
The Pagani Zonda Cinque Roadster ‘Oreo Edition’ was a Europe-exclusive car available by purchasing a small pack of Oreos and following the instructions to play an augmented reality game.
This promotion was available in my country, but the augmented game worked so badly that I gave up using my purchased pack and bought a code online! Due to the low cost of the required item, codes for this car are typically $2-3.
Oct ‘23: Chevrolet Corvette E-Ray
A completely exclusive car! The Chevrolet Corvette E-Ray is given to all Forza Horizon 5 players who have also played Forza Motorsport (2023) released in October 2023.
Xbox Game Pass players are expected to qualify for the car, which is how I intend to get it.
Secret outfit (Oct ‘22)
There is also an… interesting Dorito-based cosmetic outfit, the “Tankito Doritos”. This was obtainable by purchasing a qualifying Doritos pack in any of 8 countries. Due to the ease of obtaining a key, they are typically <$5 on key sites.
Overall, it’s a shame that these cars exist in their current format. Whilst I understand having mutually beneficial promotions with other companies, I strongly believe that a player located anywhere in the world should be able to obtain every car in the game.
I’d love to see these DLC-exclusive cars added to the playlist, even as the harder reward, letting players willing to put the time in earn them. Currently, all players are forced to use shady third party sites if they want a complete Car Collection, which doesn’t seem intentional.
If you do end up purchasing all these DLC codes, like I did, it’ll likely cost you around $70-100. Once again, these are all completely optional, and you can get 100% in your Car Collection without them. However, they are required if you want to truly own all cars in Forza Horizon 5.