33 tips for the worst grind in Forza Horizon 5: Level 1000 Hide and Seek
5 months after Hide & Seek released, only ~100 people have fully “completed” the game mode. Why? An extremely dull grind to Level 1000, here are some tips to get there quicker!
What’s the point?
Well, for some completionists (me!) simply knowing there’s content not “completed” is enough of an incentive. However, there’s also a badge every 100 levels (full guide), plus the knowledge that only ~100 people have completed this grind even 5 months after release.
The game mode is also pretty generous with (overall) XP, so you’ll gain hundreds of levels and wheelspins along the way. These will result in a few hundred million credits, I hit the maximum (999,999,999) around level 700.
Final badge | Level 1000 | Leaderboard |
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General tips
- Distance travelled is all that matters: Chase breakers, Hiders pinged, win or loss, none of it matters anywhere near as much as the distance travelled in a game.
- You want to drive as straight as possible, as fast as possible: Straight is fast, and fast is far. This is why you ideally want to be a hider (faster cars) on Mulége (long highway).
- Avoid other players: Whether you’re a Hider or a Seeker, nothing positive comes from interacting with players on either team. As collisions are enabled, bumping into a friendly Seeker can drastically reduce your XP, so give everyone plenty of space when overtaking.
- Ignore the game objectives, only the clock & distance matters: Regardless of what the announcer says, you don’t care about hunting down the hider, or reaching the objective as fast as possible. You’re just driving as far as possible, for as long as possible.
- This is extremely time-consuming: Level 1000 took me around 1500 games (including non-grind games, and instant finishes), totalling 100+ hours. Settle in, this will be painful.
- Level 1000 requires 15,000,000 XP: At a maximum of around 20,000 XP per game, that’s at least 750 games. You’ll likely need twice that to account for hider rounds, bad maps, and early finishes.
- You get an XP boost for your streak, with a cap: Make sure you never quit a game, since you’ll lose XP on future matches. Instead, just wait out the timer. If you’ve queued up for a game accidentally, keep the pause menu open and you won’t join.
- In addition to the 17 Hide and Seek badges, there are 10 Xbox Achievements. Click any Achievement for community tips, I found the secret achievement “Catching a Break” to be the only one I didn’t complete accidentally.
Seeker tips
- Usually drive the 2017 Nissan GT-R: This car has a very high top speed (200+), and my personal favourite handling, making it the best car for pure speed maps like Mulége.
- There are multiple other good choices: You might prefer one of the other car choices, you’ve got hundreds of games to play so try them all! I’d recommend the 2016 Toyota Land Cruiser if you want to skip more corners, or 2012 Lamborghini Spyder / 2011 Mercedez-Benz SLS AMG if you want a fancier ride. Try them out, and find your preferred handling. They’re all reasonable choices, except the useless 2016 Ariel Nomad.
- On Guanajuato, drive the 2008 Mitsubishi Lancer GSR: It has slightly better handling whilst still being fast, making it better at navigating the narrow crowded streets. However, as before, most cars (except the Ariel Nomad) are good here, with top speed not being as important. The Lamborghini Spyder is very good.
- Corner safely, not max speed: Since you lose so much speed by hitting street furniture (e.g. edges of buildings on Playa Azul), it’s far better to slow down by 10-20mph than risk slowing to zero.
Hider tips
- Rounds are too short for hunters to figure out your route: With quite small teams and hider anonymity, once you find a good route you can drive it safely every time without worrying about hiders figuring it out.
- Use the Chase Breaker on groups: Unless a seeker figures out the tactic of waiting outside the range of your Chase Breaker (or are working as a team), they can be easily evaded. As such, if you’ve got a pack blindly chasing you, it’s worth slowing down in an open area to let them all surround you before using the powerup.
- Be counter-intuitive: If you get pinned down in an urban area, use your lack of destination to your advantage. For example, in Playa Azul’s built-up area, turning left onto a side road then left again (driving back where you come from) is an easy way to lose Seekers. They will typically assume you’re still driving in the same direction, and won’t realise until you’re outside their radar range.
- Lure the Seekers into tricky areas: Seekers will typically blindly follow you, so if you get quite far ahead on fast roads you can drive to the other side of a complex obstacle (like a patch of trees) and Seekers will get stuck in them.
- You can see far more information than the Seekers: Seekers can only see your direction, and nothing when close to you. This means on maps like Guanajuato with parallel roads you can trick them by driving in the same direction on the next road over, implying that you are directly ahead of them.
- Car choice isn’t too important: They’re all fairly good and it’s up to personal preference, with smaller cars like the Jeep better suited to Guanajuato. Make sure you pick a dark colour to minimise Seeker’s visibility.
Map specific tips
This is the worst map for XP! Do your best to drive a fast route, but all the fast turns mean you’ll inevitably hit plenty of street furniture and NPC cars. It might be worth picking a bulkier car to handle these crashes, but as the Seeker I prefer the nimble Mitsubishi.
- As a Seeker, the pink route isn’t great, but is the furthest line without much slowing down. There is one quite sharp corner, but you can just bounce off the wall to maintain speed. Similarly, the bottom left area can be awkward to get through due to the trees and cars, so you’ll likely take a slightly different line each time.
- As a Hider, you’ll just want to drive in an approximate circle: Feel free to use the complex road layout to elude the Seekers, you can quite easily complete a round without anyone getting close to you.
Playa Azul
This map is pretty good as a Seeker, with a decent high speed route available. There are plenty of obstacles in the urban area, but once you’ve driven it a few times it’s far easier than Guanajuato.
- As a Seeker, you have a choice of 2 routes through the urban area (split into pink and red on the map): I prefer the pink route usually, as the building corners on the red route can be hard to avoid. You may also want to skip the turn West at the North of the map and just drive North to South.
- As a Hider, you probably want to just drive in a circle: The map is complex enough with lots of slow areas (buildings / trees) that Seekers will struggle to keep up. There’s a video guide by JakeRhino, who is currently in the top 10 for Hide & Seek.
- If it’s foggy here, good luck! Visibility can be close to zero, especially at night.
You will love it here. Fastest speeds, highest XP, easiest driving.
- As a Seeker, you’re driving back and forth along the highway: Easy, fast, minimal corners, the only issues are the occasional traffic cars.
- As a Hider, you’re driving back and forth along the highway: Yep, you’re doing the same thing! With a mostly off-road map, escaping by driving over the open land can be tricky, so I find the easiest approach is just going as fast as possible on the highway. You can avoid the Seeker pack at each end with either Chase Breaker or turning in a large curve, and by the time they’ve caught you, you’re probably ready to turn around again.
- As a Hider, you can also use cliffs: If the highway isn’t possible, you can escape Seekers by driving up around the side of a cliff, then driving directly away. This will often lead Seekers to drive directly into the cliff, potentially getting stuck.
- As a Hider, everybody gets lost in the Festival site: Taking complex turns around the Festival site can be a good way to escape, especially as many are almost hidden connections not on the map, or are unexpectedly solid walls.
Anti-boredom tips
- You don’t need to pay that much attention, especially on Mulége: After grinding each map 10+ times, you’ll likely know it pretty well. As such, I was usually watching movies on my other monitor throughout. An audiobook or podcast is also a good option, whatever you need to keep driving the same line over and over!
- Mix it up for your own sanity: Whilst I do recommend doing a high-speed 180 at each end of a run and bouncing off the barrier, other techniques like slowing and turning, or driving a large loop, are pretty similar and give you something to look forward to. Trying new routes occasionally also helps break up the monotony.
- Use fun quick-chats (Forza Link): This is a pretty solitary grind for most people, so even a tiny bit of interaction in the form of Forza Link phrases can help. Phrases with quick responses such as Colin McRae’s quote “Straight roads are for fast cars” and reply “and turns are for fast drivers” are fun to find.
- Convoying can be helpful: Whilst I mostly played alone, I occasionally convoyed with other completionists. There was a higher chance of speed-cancelling collisions (since you’re doing the same route), but this was compensated by longer rounds due to fewer people actually playing the objective.
Further reading
- I didn’t grind Hide and Seek much until recently (since level 1000 seemed so absurdly high), however this guide from one of the first 10 achievers contained a lot of very helpful tips.
- The excellent True Achievements community regularly host sessions where people team up to boost the “Catching a Break” achievement, although you can complete it yourself in a few attempts.
Hide and Seek is so, so close to being a lot of fun. However, the clear imbalance, the lack of any complex game mechanics, and a clearly untested grind to Level 1000 ensure anybody who actually “completes” it is long sick of playing. The mechanics need refining, with anything except expert Seeker players resulting in a Hider win.
The game design itself is also deeply flawed, with the “Hide” shown in the trailer actually being pretty much impossible. Instead, it is “Run Away & Chase”, which can be fun, but doesn’t have much complexity. FailRace on YouTube has been running a “Survive The Hunt” custom gamemode for a decade, and it has far more complexity, tension, and opportunity for exciting gameplay. It’s a real shame Playground Games didn’t take more inspiration from the gamemode, I’d have loved to see larger player counts and something closer to Prop Hunt.
I also think this game mode could actually become fun past the first 30 games with a single change: Randomised map areas. Instead of a ridiculously limited 3 maps, what if a random oval (or uneven shape) was drawn over the map? I’d love to play across the mountain, or one of the off-road areas.
Hopefully this guide helped a bit, or at least provided a nice distraction along the way. Regardless, I’m very, very relieved this grind is over. Whilst I’ve enjoyed watching plenty of movies and TV, it’s nice to get back to actually playing games not just holding down an accelerator!